Press review
President of the International Association of Criosurgery professor dott. Franco lugnani visiting hospital.

Franco Lugnani MD visit the Third Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, Department of Urology
The fibroid with the frost disappears
A new technique obviates the scalpel because the uterus heals with freddo.Così you leave the hospital in a hurry. And you can have children without problems
The cold against fi bromi uterus. And this is the secret of a new technique that heals the disease and avoid heavy surgery which can impair the function of this body part, so important. The idea came to the US specialists from the Mayo Clinic in Richmond, Maryland. Irnpegnati for years in an attempt to cure the cold prostate cancers and liver, American surgeons have at the end was successful in another field: the fi bromi uterine Now the new method has arrived in Italy: experts Clinic gynecological of 'Hospital Salesi Ancona are the first in Europe to adopt the American technique.
Torremolinos clinic removed a lung cancer to 192 degrees below zero
La criochirurgia è praticato dal 2002 per la prostata e ossa, ma la prima volta che viene usato con successo in Europa per un tumore nel polmone
A 72 anni, paziente è stato operato con successo il cancro del polmone in una clinica a Torremolinos nel primo intervento che si pratica in Europa per criochirurgia, una tecnica che coinvolge isolare il tumore e abbassare la sua temperatura di 192 gradi sotto zero.