Prostate cancer

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There are no environmental risk factors or behaviors that favor the appearance, a tendency to manifest itself on a family basis?

"It seems indeed that eating habits" Western "can significantly influence the onset of prostate cancer - responds Franco Lugnani surgeon urologo- fact that African and Asian populations in their countries of origin are less prone to this disease when move in our countries are affected much more frequently. Likewise what is thus established that when you have blood relatives who have had prostate cancer, the risk increases considerably, ie up to be very high in the case of identical twins.

A Mediterranean diet low in meat and animal fat and high in vegetables and fish probably reduces the risk of getting hit. "

Periodic monitoring helps estimate the diagnosis at an early stage, when it is not only treatable but incurable. The symptoms of prostate cancer are either absent or scarce in the early stages, or be associated with those of benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) coexisting.

As it presents itself, such as subjective symptoms or objective signs that may be similar to those of benign prostatic hypertrophy?               

"The symptoms are almost the same (difficulty to urinate, urinating more often and get up at night), - says Dr. Lugnani- but occur late, when the disease is already advanced. We can not trust the fact of feeling good . On the other hand when you have problems there is no need to worry too much: they are almost always related to benign prostatic enlargement. "

Who to contact, at what age, to regular checks for early detection?

"The visit urology is the cornerstone of prevention and early diagnosis (in time to heal) of prostate cancer. It should be done every 12 months. And 'reasonable undergo visits after age 50 or after 40 if you are with relatives prostate cancer. "

An effective screening tests such plans?                                   

"Prevention through Rectal examination, transrectal ultrasound, PSA (prostate specific antigen) Plasmatic i is the best thing to do. "

When you suspect the presence of a prostate cancer exists the possibility of making certain diagnosis by biopsy. The doctor takes small fragments of the prostate through a needle which will be examined and verified the presence or absence of cancer cells. The safest and painless to remove tissue to be examined from suspected areas is the ultrasound guided transrectal prostate biopsy (ultrasound technique targeted) .And 'possible to take tissue around the prostate to know where to get the disease (biopsies stadianti). "

The prolonged observation of prostatic malignancy has disclosed that rapid growth and aggressiveness are highly variable from case to case. How do you define the diagnosis and therapy?                                         

"The care of prostate cancer is very varied according to the patients and their disease. There are rules that apply to everyone equally-it warns Lugnani- And 'informed consent from the patient, advised by his doctors and his family that suggest the best therapy in each case. It is a team effort according to an adaptation of the theory to the practice of the individual case. For example, an advanced disease can be treated differently depending on the patient's general condition and his age. An initial illness also can be treated differently depending on the psychological preferences of the patient and its ability to collaborate with physicians in control after some medical attention. We have very aggressive traditional (radical prostatectomy, laparoscopic prostatectomy) and procedures miniivasive latest generation (brachytherapy, cryoablation). Some techniques areexperimental and not consolidated validity (such as focused ultrasound or HI-FU), but interesting in the future. Others are the conformal radiotherapy and hormone therapy .Even the chemotherapy with the drug offers good hope for patients at an advanced stage. "

What are the stages of prostate cancer?                                                

"The prostate cancer may be confined within the prostate locally advanced or they come out in its surroundings. The presence of remote locations in the bones or glands means that the disease has spread to remote and requires medical treatment beyond the surgical"

In your experience what advice to the patient for a conscious and informed choice of treatment, and also for the future quality of life?

"I advise the patient to turn with confidence to your doctor and to the urologist who advises them. Your doctor or family doctor should be the first and most important contact person for the patient. Even the associations of patients who are in the network ( eg PAACT USA) offer a wealth of advice and experience very helpful. Important to consider all possible alternatives in order to make an informed choice. There are no miracle cures. There are men who are aware of their limits trying to apply the wealth of knowledge acquired to the solution of problems which are being continuously further knowledge- it concludes Franco Lugnani- For example techniques that combine vaccination tumorcells extracted from the patient's blood that are compared with the tumor destroyed the laboratory or in vivo by the Cryodestruction high technology could represent the next step forward, but only time will tell whether this road like many others being tested will improve life expectancy and healing or if the initial promising results will not be confirmed ".